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Rich Redmond, Michael Aubrecht

FUNdamentals™ of Drumming for Kids (book/DVD)

Modern Drummer Presents
FUNdamentals™ of Drumming for Kids
Series: Book
Publisher: Modern Drummer Publications
Format: Softcover with DVD
Authors: Rich Redmond, Michael Aubrecht
FUNdamentals of Drumming for Kids is the culmination of the collective experiences and educations of a profressional player and a player/parent who both understand the tangible benefits of exposing children to music at a young age. Whether or not a child decides to pursue an instrument seriously, the skill set he or she develops will provide an edge in all aspects of education.
This includes memory, creativity, and enhanced reading and writing skills.

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Rich Redmond, Michael Aubrecht


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AutoreRich Redmond, Michael Aubrecht

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FUNdamentals™ of Drumming for Kids (book/DVD)

FUNdamentals™ of Drumming for Kids (book/DVD)