Reduced! Contemporary Electric Bass- Volume 2 View larger

Pierluigi Balducci

Contemporary Electric Bass- Volume 2 (Link a Video Online)

A guide to improving harmonic knowledge of the fingerboard and boosting technical mastery
70 links to online videos
(English Edition)
Level: intermediate and advanced level
Autore: Pierluigi Balducci

This method book has been devised for bass players using electric or acoustic basses (with 4, 5, and 6 strings) who already masters triads and main tetrads. It aims at reinforcing both harmonics and instrumental technique: on the one hand, the exercises presented here will improve a player’s harmonic knowledge of the fretboard; on the other, they will boost their technical mastery of the instrument.

With performing experience and constant practice, harmonic knowledge will easily turn into harmonic competence, while technical skills will become functional to musical needs, rather than muscular ones. To sum up, this method book offers a variety of exercises that will strengthen both the harmonic and technical abilities of its readers.

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AutorePierluigi Balducci

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