Sale! Accessoires Go Classic (book/CD) View larger

Al. Graf

Accessoires Go Classic (book/CD)

Publisher: Stagemusic

For Triangle, Woodblock, Suspended Cymbal, Castanets, Cowbell, Bongos, Congas, Drum Kit, Snare Drum, Sticks on Sticks, Cabasa, Tambourine, Claves, Guiro and Temple Block.

The method’s structure is progressive, moving from an elementary to a slightly more difficult level.

The book comes with a CD featuring classical pieces recorded by a young pianist – thus it won’t get dull at any point and you don’t have to play by yourself all the time.
Accessories go classic is designed for self- as well as teacher-based-instruction, and also addresses percussion newcomers.

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Accessoires Go Classic (book/CD)

Accessoires Go Classic (book/CD)