Reduced! Constructing a 5-String Banjo Ingrandisci

Roger H. Siminoff

Constructing a 5-String Banjo

Publisher: Hal Leonard
A Complete Technical Guide

Over 200 photos and illustrations provide the kind of valuable reference no other book in the field can offer. Roger has used his technical knowledge on design, sound, and all of the important stages of construction that go into the building of a musical instrument, and has incorporated these ideas into one text.

The end result is this valuable book of information that will help you to learn more about the makeup of a 5-string banjo, and more importantly, will give you the satisfaction and pride in being able to accomplish the building of a banjo that you can play and enjoy for years to come.

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Roger Siminoff


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AutoreRoger H. Siminoff

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Constructing a 5-String Banjo

Constructing a 5-String Banjo