Reduced! Yamaha Band Student, B-flat Trumpet, Book 3 Ingrandisci

Sandy Feldstein

Yamaha Band Student, B-flat Trumpet, Book 3

Alfred Publications
By John Kinyon and John O'Reilly
Series: Yamaha Band Method
A Band Method for Group or Individual Instruction
Instrument: B-flat Trumpet/Cornet Book
Level: Intermediate

Yamaha Band Student will appeal to teachers looking for a well-paced lesson sequence that keeps students motivated to continue past the first critical year. It is attractively presented and meets the needs of today's students and educators.
Each level includes numerous songs, duets, trios and four full-band arrangements right in the method itself---perfect for first-year concerts.

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Sandy Feldstein & John O'Reilly


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AutoreSandy Feldstein

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Yamaha Band Student, B-flat Trumpet, Book 3

Yamaha Band Student, B-flat Trumpet, Book 3