Reduced! CD - The Road Ahead (RAM Records) Ingrandisci

Steve La Spina

CD - The Road Ahead (RAM Records)

Vic Juris - Guitar Jim
McNeely - Piano
Billy Drewes - Tenor Sax, Alto Sax & Soprano Sax
Jeff Hirshfield - Drums
Steve LaSpina - Bass

Softly, As In A Morning Sunrise
Body And Soul
Sweet Dreams
No Way
Coming Home To You
Falling Grace
A Place I've Not Forgotten
Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me
The Road Ahead

Acquista su Birdland

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Acquista con App18 e Carta del Docente

13,21 €

13,90 €


Steve LaSpina


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AutoreSteve La Spina

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CD - The Road Ahead (RAM Records)

CD - The Road Ahead (RAM Records)